Taking into account our experience, as well as the background of our partners; our services are appealing for the following reasons:

1. All of our projects are directly attended to by a partner. This is a significant difference from the services offered by other consulting firms who, due to their internal productivity policies (cost-benefit analysis/invoice fees), they see the necessity of delegating activities to their subordinates. We consider that personal attention by our Partners determines the amount of success of the projects or matters that we attend to.

2. The criteria that we take into account when we make decisions are discussed in the best forums that exist on customs matters. In this way, we guaranty the continued training of our partners and professional personnel.

3. Our personnel find a continuous training program that permits the foray into fiscal disciplines distinct from their area of specialization. In this way, we guaranty that our client services include integrated fiscal and customs matters.

4. We continually advise a significant amount of international clients, with whom we continually face the same problems. This gives us the ability to offer previously implemented solutions.